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Why Christians Should Run for Office

I’ll be honest. Writing this article very much feels like adding to the noise.

Everyone is trying to capture your attention, “Do this”, “Do that”, “Come over here”. But I would ask you to pause for just a moment and ask yourself what a better America looks like.

I am not talking to the well dressed businessman or the mystery person who has everything together. I am talking to you. If you go to church on Sundays, you have a busy life, you have your own set of worries, and you love this country we live in called America, then yes, I am talking to you.

We live in a time of choosing, where those who have ignored the call to get involved need to take a leap of faith for the sake of this country we hold dear. To stand for the values of God, Family, and Country that we all believe in. It is time to be willing to give and sacrifice instead of consume. It is time to act and stop waiting for others to hear the call.

I’ll admit. Not everyone can run, but most people come up with excuses about time and lack of money, when really, what it takes is a call and a willingness to say yes.

Regardless, I ask of you, be intentional with this life that God has given us.

Spend time with God in the morning and be the light you wish to see in the world.

Don’t let hatred and noise wear you down, but keep loving, speaking truth, and doing good.

Above all, strive to live out the golden rule, to love God and love people, putting others before yourself. Jesus is worthy and this blessed nation, America, is worth fighting for.

If you have any questions on setting up your political campaign, please let us know. It is time for more Christians to run for

July 27, 2023

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