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How to Run for Office

Running for office for the first time, including as a Christian conservative, can feel overwhelming. While many new candidates aren’t sure where to begin setting up a political operation, Roosevelt Tech can ease the process. With training materials, optional consulting, and online, digital campaign setup, we streamline the process to becoming a competitive front-runner in your district!

Much of running for office can be summarized in two simple goals:

  • Raising money with a Money Goal
  • Winning votes with a Vote Goal

To launch your campaign, you will need to:

  • Submit your candidate paperwork
  • Write your campaign plan
  • Prepare logistics for your campaign launch

Although all campaigns are geared toward the two main goals of raising money and winning votes, good campaigns will need campaign messaging, fundraising, online outreach, and organizational and grassroots contact.

Roosevelt Tech specializes in setting up your digital operation. We will help your campaign get started with a digital package that includes a website, email marketing, social media, political donation processing, and more. Additionally, we put together district overviews that include basic statistics for creating a vote goal for your election.

Digital outreach has the best bang for your buck in establishing yourself as a credible candidate. Moreover, with our consulting services, vendor info, and internal training resources, we offer additional recommendations on how to reach voters and raise money for the win.

If interested in learning more about getting involved and running for office, contact us

March 21, 2023

Updated February 21, 2024

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