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How Roosevelt Tech Helps Campaigns

Political campaigning too often comes down to the haves and the have nots. Those who have connections and those who don’t. Powers at be will try to frighten those who don’t know how to run for office and make it seem like an impossible feat. The truth is, anybody can run for office (not everyone should though) and ultimately, the people have the power.

Whether you are an experienced campaign operative, a grassroots volunteer, a community organizer, a businessman, a pastor, or a maintenance worker, we are here to help principled Christian conservatives run for office and win. Our goal is to take away the cloudiness and secrecy that so often dictates our elections, and open up the doors to genuine people who have integrity and the best intentions for our communities and this nation.

So how does Roosevelt Tech equip candidates and campaigns?

  • Campaign Planning
  • Digital Tools
  • Website & Social Media Setup
  • Email Marketing Setup
  • Links & Resources to other Vendors

While Roosevelt Tech is focused on what you need to launch your campaign, we will help you get the job done, whatever it is you need.

Before you run for office, make sure you pray and talk with your friends and family. You should build a vision and a plan that your whole community can support.

If you have any questions on setting up your political campaign, please let us know. To learn more and get involved by running for office, contact us

October 3, 2023

Updated February 20, 2024

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