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Campaign Plan 02 - Message

After creating a campaign summary, you can now move on to craft a campaign message with your core values and a vision for the district.

To establish your message, verbalize in content and branding what your campaign is standing for. Throughout the campaign, you will want to stay focused on core issues that can unite people behind a common cause. Whether that is parental rights in education, cutting red tape, or defending the value of life, show your constituents who you are and what you believe in.

You can categorize your messaging by using the Leesburg Grid. Organize your campaign messaging into a simple diagram with some keywords and a few bullet points in each category. Write down what your campaign will say about itself, what your campaign will say about the opposition, what the opposition will say about itself, and what the opposition will say about you. With these central points, you can move on to craft a story behind what you believe in and be prepared for whatever the opposition may say about your campaign.

Leesburg Grid

With the core messaging in place, talk about your vision for the district in the context of a story rather than stances on a series of issues. Tell the voters who you are, what you believe in, and why you are running. You are not simply filling out a series of yes or no bullet points, although helpful for some voters, but you are offering a vision for the district you are running in. Keep in mind, the opposition is going to be quick to point out your unpopular policy positions.

Here are some things to have ready and to be mindful of for your campaign messaging:

  • Campaign Branding: Create a Logo & Select Colors unified across all Content
  • Campaign Slogan
  • Candidate Biography at Various Lengths
  • Key Issues
  • Personal Stories from the Candidate and Voters

With your messaging crafted, anticipate how you will deliver your message in various formats including:

  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Media Interviews
  • Print Materials
  • Video Advertising
  • Display Advertising
  • Phone Calls
  • And more

Have any more questions on setting up your political campaign? If interested in learning more and getting involved by running, contact us

May 1, 2023

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