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Campaign Plan 05 - Campaign Budget

With the campaign plan summary, messaging, goals, and organization in place, you can now move on to craft the voter contact budget and the spending plan for your campaign.

Put together a total budget for your campaign based upon the spending of past campaigns and the amount of outreach you will need to hit each of your voter goals. Spending will be required in every area of your campaign, but the greatest spending should be toward direct voter outreach at 70% or more of your budget. Administrative and operating expenses should be between 10% and 20% and fundraising fees should be around 10%. Although there will be discrepancies in each campaign, these are good ballpark numbers for what to aim for.

As you are estimating spending for the duration of the campaign, create a more detailed budget that covers spending on a monthly basis. Some expenses during the campaign will be fixed at the beginning, some consistent throughout, and some will fluctuate and then increase closer to the election. For the most part, campaign expenses will ramp up and be highest right at the election.

Whatever your specific plan, have an idea of how much you need to spend and have in the bank on a monthly basis. Whether it is campaign staff, fundraising, digital outreach, direct mail, radio, TV, and more, have a spending plan and some notes ready for each area of spending.

If you need additional assistance crafting your campaign budget, ask about our Campaign Budget Template today.

Common areas of spending for voter contact include:

  • Digital Ads
  • Print Materials
  • Grassroots Outreach
  • Phone Calls & Texting
  • Radio
  • TV Ads
  • Direct Mail

Have any more questions on setting up your political campaign? If interested in learning more and getting involved by running for office, contact us

May 12, 2023

Updated June 14, 2023

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