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Campaign Plan - Getting Your Campaign Started

Once you have organized your paperwork, you will now need a campaign plan to begin operations and stay focused throughout the campaign. While many details go into a plan, it can be summarized into the summary, money goal, & vote goal, the campaign message, the campaign budget, a grassroots contact timeline, and a fundraising budget.

Once again, use these points as an overarching summary. Campaign plans are fairly extensive and the more competitive the district, the more you will need to prepare your campaign plan.

  1. Summary, Money Goal, & Vote Goal
  • Write some notes about the district along with strategic assumptions about the advantages and disadvantages you have in your race. After the summary, you should have a vote goal that will bring you across the finish line and a money goal to fund your whole campaign.
  1. Message
  • Not all messaging is equal. Consider the position you are running for, the issues the community is facing, and the things you are going to do about it. Combine the key issues into a compelling message and story that speaks to the heart of what’s going on. Voters need to know that you care about your district with a vision for the future.
  1. Budget
  • Based upon the size of the district, the competitiveness of the race, and your core strategies, create a campaign budget that will give you enough money for overhead and staff, voter contact, digital advertising, mail, and everything else you are planning for in your race. If you still need to create a campaign budget, reach out to Roosevelt Tech for our campaign budget creator.
  1. Grassroots Contact
  • Contacting tens of thousands of voters (or more) is not a simple endeavor. Create a grassroots plan that sets the number of doors, phone calls, and texts that need to be made each week and month leading up to the election. Reach out to Roosevelt Tech for our grassroots calculator to help in your race.
  1. Fundraising/Finance
  • Money is critical for the function of anything in a political campaign. Create a fundraising plan that estimates the amount of money that should be raised monthly from each area of campaigns: candidate phone calls, events, finance committee, PACs, digital, direct mail, etc. If you need additional help, reach out to Roosevelt Tech for our fundraising budget template.

Have any more questions on setting up your political campaign? If interested in learning more and getting involved by running, contact us at:

April 3, 2023

Updated July 20, 2023

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