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Campaign Fundraising 05 - Online

Raising money online isn’t easy, but it all comes down to the simple principles of sharing a compelling story and asking supporters to give.

Although there is no all-in-one solution to raising money online, people will ultimately give to a person and a cause they believe in. Also worth noting, fundraising online offers additional benefits such as simultaneously building candidate name recognition and aiding voter efforts.

Online fundraising begins with a multi-pronged web presence including a website, social media, emails, text messaging, and earned media such as news articles and interviews. Campaigns should take supporters on a journey, showing who the candidate is and why a donation is worthwhile.

Online fundraising begins with building up a base of support by:

  • Gathering a list of personal connections
  • Organically building a base of conservative supporters
  • Paying to build a list of conservative supporters

Although each campaign looks different, building a base combining each method will lead to the best results.

Online fundraising strategies often come down to principles of high-risk and high-reward. With more money, you can purchase digital ads to increase exposure and collect emails and phone numbers. In the long-haul, the money spent will come back from loyal supporters who donate multiple times to the campaign.

To lower the risk, campaigns can post organically on social media, connect with local conservative groups to increase exposure, engage with the media for more attention, and collect voter contact information along the way.

Although these low-risk methods are much slower in building large support, they are still incredibly worthwhile to connect and be available for voters. Campaigns can also utilize grassroots and political events to connect more people online.

Overall, all campaign contact points should direct supporters down a journey of greater involvement. Collect emails and phone numbers early on, post consistently, and continue outreach until there are plenty of donors, volunteers, and referrals for more connections.

Online methods include:

  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Email Marketing
  • Peer-to-Peer Texting
  • Digital Ads
  • OTT Ads

Overall, online fundraising and online outreach work together to raise money and win votes for your campaign. Be consistent, compelling, and creative in your online strategy until you win.

If you have any questions on setting up your political campaign, please let us know. To learn more and get involved by running for office, contact us

March 24, 2024

Updated March 29, 2024

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