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Campaign Fundraising 04 - Events

Political events are effective opportunities to raise money for your campaign. Fundraising events can range from small home gatherings, to meetups at restaurants, to large events, banquets, and more.

For most campaigns, simpler events such as cocktails or house meetings are going to be better options. Large fundraising events, such as banquets or galas, are unlikely to be worthwhile after a lot of work at a high cost for lower overall returns.

Small Events

Small events are the bread of butter of events for most campaigns. Easy to host, at a much lower cost, there is immense flexibility to introduce the candidate, recruit volunteers, and raise money. By hosting at places such as homes, restaurants, or other small venues, prices are much lower, and sometimes will only cost the price of food and beverage.

Hosting an Event

Most political events follow the same general template:

  1. Find a recruiter and a list of supporters
  • Recruit a political activist, or a close friend, to help by inviting their networks to a get together
  1. Plan the essential details for the event. Confirm the: 
  • Date & Time
  • Location
  • Length
  • Event Schedule
  1. Digital Content & Invitations
  • Prepare digital content, outreach, and invitations to send to contacts and your campaign lists
  1. Send out invitations
  • Send out content and conduct outreach
  • Send follow-up emails, or a text, reminding supporters of the event in advance - Such as: 2 weeks ahead, 1 week ahead, 2 days prior, and the day of
  1. Confirm RSVPs
  • Confirm and maintain a list of RSVPs for guest count
  1. Print Materials, Handouts, and Merchandise
  • Prepare a campaign table for literature, handouts, and merchandise at the event
  1. Decorations
  • Decorate the event with campaign banners, signs, and themed decorations
  1. Confirm Event Plan
  • Confirm and send event plan to all relevant parties, including the candidate, campaign manager, and volunteers
  1. Host Event
  • Host the event!

When speaking, introduce yourself, why you are running, highlight what your campaign is doing, how much your campaign needs, and then make the ask.

Asking for a specific amount (such as $100 or a $250 pledge) is going to be helpful. Additionally, smaller events will allow more 1 on 1 interactions afterwards as well. Everyone who comes should be thanked, and you should follow up with attendees afterwards on ways they can connect and help your campaign.

If you have any questions on setting up your political campaign, please let us know. To learn more and get involved by running for office, contact us

March 24, 2024

Updated March 29, 2024

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